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Game-changing Remote Connectivity

Capitalize on the Power of Solar-Satellite-Based Asset Tracking with GSatSolar In today's fast-paced world, businesses and organizations rely heavily on efficient asset-tracking solutions to manage their operations effectively. Traditional tracking systems, however, often fall short when it comes to tracking assets in remote or off-grid locations where cellular connectivity is limited or unavailable. Enter the GSatSolar - a revolutionary...

VulPro: Saving White-backed African Vultures with GSatSolar

Conservation Innovation with wings In the vast skies of South Africa and across the African continent, the once plentiful vulture populations are facing a silent but significant threat to their existence. Habitat loss, poisoning, and illegal wildlife trade have pushed many vulture species to the brink of extinction. Amidst these challenges, however, innovative approaches are emerging to safeguard these majestic birds. One such endeavour is led...

Attachments are Expensive. GSatSolar is not.

Asset Mismanagement in Road Construction: The High Cost of Lost Attachments In the road construction industry, managing attachments like milling heads, cold planers, compactors, and pavers is fraught with challenges, particularly when these costly components are frequently detached and left on worksites. The lack of a reliable tracking system often results in misplaced attachments, leading to significant financial losses, especially when these...

GSatSolar is a Game-changing Force in Wildlife Conservation

Overcoming Monitoring Challenges in Wildlife Conservation Wildlife conservation efforts, particularly in vast and remote natural habitats, are significantly hindered by challenges in tracking and monitoring animal populations. The expansive territories these animals roam, coupled with the rugged and often inaccessible landscapes, make it difficult for conservationists to gather vital data on species movements, health, and threats to their...

See you at World Ag Expo 2024

About the Show World Ag Expo 2024 World Ag Expo is a new show for us. World Ag Expo 2024 takes place in Tulare, CA Tuesday February 13 - Thursday February 15 at the International Agri-Center. Join GSE, Kubota, New Holland, Bobcat, and hundreds of others for 3 days of seminars, agtech expo, and industry networking. Why we are going David Chalona and Justin Sowell will be there to walk the show, meet potential technology partners, meet...

See you at CattleCon24

About the Show CattleCon 2024 CattleCon is where the beef industry meets! CattleCon 2024 takes place in Orlando, FL Wednesday January 31 - Friday February 2 at the Orange County Convention Center South Concourse. Join GSE, John Deere, AgriWebb, Cargill, and hundreds of others for 3 days of education, agtech expo, and industry networking. Why we are going David Chalona, Scott Walters, and Sarah Jones will be there to walk the floor,...

Spotlight Series: Equipment Tracking for Farmers

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GSE and Globalstar Partner to Bring Affordable Satellite IoT to Everyone

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New Animal Tracking Bundle for GSatSolar Series

If it roams, GSE can track it Building on the success of the GSatRancher, GSE is expanding its GSatSolar Series with exclusive animal tracking packages for as little as $5/month. Since launching the GSatRancher for cattle tracking in April of 2021, the GSatSolar Series has been tested in a number of animal and IoT markets, and the success in conservation has changed the conservation and research game entirely. GSE has worked with partners around ...

GSE as a Solution Partner

Meeting the Demands of the Remote: GSE's Satellite Connectivity Solutions As the world becomes more connected, the challenges of remaining in touch, even in the most remote corners of the globe, continue to shift and evolve. Enterprises that rely on consistent tracking for their off-grid assets—whether they're vehicles, machinery, boats, or people—need solutions that can adapt to that ever-changing connectivity landscape. GSE has been...
